Our Grass-Fed Nguni Cattle

The cattle on Eastwell’s land are fed a strict diet – grass, grass, and more grass. We believe this creates the finest quality grass-fed Nguni beef.
With the rise of demand for grass-fed beef, many producers will raise the animal on grass then finish on grain with the intention of producing fattier meat. We do not. Our animals only ever taste the goodness of the earth directly from the soil. This leans heavily into several fundamental laws we follow on the farm, such as rotational grazing and carbon sequestration. Our grass-fed Nguni cattle provide mother nature with natural fertiliser, soil aeration and a regular mow (but not too regular, re. rotational grazing – more to come on this in future articles).

Exhibit A. is Markulu, the oldest of our Nguni bulls. While it could be pinned down to genetic luck, we like to partially attribute his potency to the lush lifestyle he now lives on our “greener pastures”. Noosa hinterland grass is nutrient-rich and plentiful. He and the rest of the mob are in heaven.

You might be wondering – is grass-fed beef really all that? Why wouldn’t I just opt for the cheaper alternative?
Let us tell you why. Below are six key factors which contribute to the grass-fed beef being the overall winner and best choice.

  1. Lower caloric content. Grass-fed beef contains less calories, as well as a high calorie to nutritional value ratio. 
  2. Contains more healthy fats. Looking for Omega-3s? Grass-fed beef is the way to go. With up to six times more of these healthy fats, eating grass-fed over grain-fed will provide your body with support in maintaing your heart, lungs, blood vessels and immune system. 
  3. Reduced risk of heart disease. As has been determined by clinical studies, the consumption of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) contributes to a decreased risk of heart disease. 
  4. Helps fight cancer. CLA also assists as a source of nutrience for fending off cancer. These acids function as inhibitors for tumor activity, resulting in reduced carcinogenesis. Read more about the effects of CLA on carcinogenesis here.
  5. Supports normal blood-sugar levels. Another benefit of CLA is its ability to provide better insulin sensitivity. Insulin is a hormone which is responsible for regulating the body’s response to glucose and whether to store or burn it. By supporting this hormone, the body is better able to keep glucose levels stable, providing you with optimal energy levels throughout the day. 
  6. Supports carbon sequestration. The grasslands our beef is farmed on are more effective carbon sink thanks to the animal activity. Through rotational grazing and routine nutrient assessment of grasses, we can be sure our cattle are contributing to reducing carbon in the atmosphere.

Not quite enough? Here’s the nutritional content – beware, it’s pretty good.
As well as containing 500-800mg CLA – three times that of grain-fed and 3.5 grams of Omega-3s, in one 214 gram piece of grass-fed steak you’ll find: 

bbq pack

Grass-fed beef truly is a superfood to us. If you want to get your hands on some, we offer free delivery of our packs to the Sunshine Coast and surrounds. Find them in our shop.

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