Our Mission
Hey, how's it goin? Alex here.
Bryant, Susie and myself started Eastwell Farms from a passion for high quality, responsibly sourced produce. Admitedly, we came in with light experience in many of the spaces we've needed to venture into to make this business function, but one thing we do know very well is how to produce top shelf foods which are good for both the environment, and your body.
We set out bringing the paddock-to-plate dream to life with respect for the environment and our health at the core of everything we do.
Our mission; our drive; the thing that gets us up each morning is the knowledge we are bringing food to the plates of our customers exactly as nature intended it - grass-fed, pasture-raised, chemical-free, natural - perfect.
This drive forms the first pillar of our operations within Eastwell Farms. We have four key pillars which underpin operations on-farm.
1. Produce and provide high quality, chemical-free foods, regenerating the environment in the process.
2. Inform you, your friends & family, and the wider community on the importance of Regenerative Agriculture, and healing through food.
3. Provide ease of use - streamline access to the local supply chain.
4. Turn a profit, and return the profit.
Everything we do on-farm is checked against these pillars before we bring it into the fold. We practice food production consciously.
Regenerative Agriculture is labour-intensive - there's no sugar-coating that fact. Did we choose this path because we're masochists? Maybe. Did we choose this path because we care about the future of food production for the generations to come? Definitely. From the daily (sometimes twice daily) moves of the cattle in our rotational grazing setup to the constant monitoring of soil health, we don't mind any of it. We love it. We know the end result is beneficial for all players involved - the environment, our animals, and you.
We are constantly looking for ways to improve access to the foods we provide and those offered by farms around us. We are always seeking our the stories of producers from those farms. We aim to function as a connection point between high quality foods and your plate.
You can trust that when you buy from us, you're buying the best for you, and your family.
Once we have realized the first three pillars in any changes on-farm, we assess the ability for the change to turn a profit. If an adjustment will leave us in the black, we implement it, knowing we are creating positive change, while also allowing us to continue on this journey into the future.
If you want to know more, feel free to contact any of us below. We are transparent, and love sharing our story.
Bryant - 0428 163 200
Susie - 0413 135 548
Alex - 0457 035 304
Or alternatively, email us at mushrooms@eastwellfarms.com.au
Cheers. Thank you for supporting us.